Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Do you bring bread there? Do you drink wine there? What do you do?

Yesterday, I've attended a meeting of the Toastmasters Club (Molave). I am not sure which division or chapter or whatever. I appreciated the thrust of the group where they aim to train their members in terms of their communication and leadership skills. Based from experience, one of the essentials of a leader is good communication skills. It is in the unique trait of a human being, to speak, that we can move people beyond the horizon.

In one of the prepared speeches, she has clearly demonstrated how the organization wishes their product speakers should be. Big. Bold. Brave. Big in a sense that its members are forced to think bigger. To see things beyond their reach. It pushes a person to think on their toes and to create something out of nothing. It is amazing to witness how ideas pop out instantly within a minute's grasp. In thinking big, one must be bold with their thoughts and beliefs as they communicate their deepest desires, cherished experiences and life's lessons to their peers. In conquering the stage before them, one must be brave in owning their stage. Be in command and cherish the spotlight.

One of the comments raised was not to let yourself be distracted by your audience. In a greater perspective, you must not let yourself be distracted by those who live around and with you. Be your own self, be firm on your stand and beliefs, stick to your own principles in life. Just wonderful.

They do not eat bread nor drink wine. They are just a group of people who would want to make a difference by simply talking with their peers. It is amazing how an explosion of ideas can just happen in a room with people of great intellect and passion.


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